Like all great stories of American perseverance, the budding multi-million dollar enterprise that is began in the backseat of a 1986 Ford Econoline, where Randy Slidell and Quincy Gibbons first caught wind of the stinky stinky city of Las Vegas, Nevada. Faced with a bold new opportunity and three maxed out credit cards each, the young men embarked on a journey, the likes of which were completely unexpected! and its associates would like to make it known to the general that they DO NOT/ HAVE NOT EVER had any sort of formal and/or informal connection with the Nixon administration, nor did they directly benefit from the Watergate Scandal in any way, shape or form. Such claims have been made by baseless sources lacking any amount of journalistic skill whatsoever, and the stinkyinvegas team would like to move past this hullaballoo as quickly as possible.
Stay stinky, stay faithful, and thank you for sticking with us during these trying times.
-Randy Slidell
(stinkyinvegas co-founder)
Steve Jobs
stinkyinvegas is much more than just a funny website. It's an experience, a beauty, a secluded area of the web where people can find the peace and serenity they need to keep going. Well, and it's a funny website. I guess it's mostly just that.
I'm honestly not even from Las Vegas, I've only been there like twice in my life. I created stinkyinvegas partially as a way to make people all around the silly li'l world have a nice big laugh, but mostly it's because I found out that any average joe with a credit card and a couple hours to kill could do exactly the same, and I had to get a grip on the stinkyinvegas domain before anyone else snatched my golden-goose idea right from under my shnoz!
While there are countless better things that I could be doing with my time, this site has garnered a great deal of attention and importance to people all over the wide digital world in its (very) limited lifespan, and I am determined to make sure that those people - and any others like them - will always have a space in which they can celebrate the must of Las Vegas and the people in it. With hope, will make the world just a little bit better for everyone : - )
I couldn't have accomplished this task without the help of many key people in my life:
I'd like to give thanks to my parents for always inspiring me to be myself to the fullest, even if that means posting pictures of people on a website and berating them for being stinky. Jokes aside, I think they would put up with me regardless of what I chose to do with my time, so let's just be thankful that it is this and not heroin or something.
As well as my parents, my siblings have been instrumental in the shaping of who I am today, and I owe them many thanks for all of the fond memories (and trauma) which eventually led to this exact moment in time. From the good times to the times that my brother Matthew stole my bedroom door and I didn't have a door on my room for like three years and had I had to constantly keep a watch out in case somebody was passing my room so that I wasn't doing anything embarrassing when they walked by or else they would make fun of me and I would feel bad but at least I would forget about not having a door to the time that my brother Matthew convinced our mom to delete my Roblox account by telling her it was a virus, to the times that my brother Matthew and I got lunch and beers over last Christmas, I wouldn't trade any minute of it for anything.
I would also like to thank my best pals in the world (pictured below) for not only helping to bring stinkyinvegas to life, but for being all-around great people whom I could not picture my life without. They are each some of the funniest people I could have the pleasure of knowing, and I hope to be able to create many more stupid websites, silly jokes and lasting memories with them.
Lastly, I would like to thank Bruce Campbell, who taught me that confidence is everything, and that chainsaw hands are really cool.
Take care!
- Mike Snow, stinkyinvegas founder
Mike, 23, owner of
Mike and his good pals : - )
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You look fantastic. Have you lost weight?
To be quite frank I don't know what cookies are but they apparently they keep track of how many folks visit us here at stinkyinvegas so it's whatever